stated before, three day weekends are da bomb for us working folk. So July 4th falling on a Friday is like winning the lottery. Plus, by another amazing piece of fortune, I didn't have to work! So Leslie and I took advantage and took a trip back up to Fort Wayne to spend some time with her family.
We headed up Thursday after work,
Jimmy Johns (our travel food of choice) in hand. We also brought Leo along, since we knew he would enjoy the fine weather and outdoor activities as well. Friday morning was spent getting ready for lunch and corralling kids. Leslie's whole family was around - sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, and grandparents. Since Leslie and I are the favorite aunt and uncle, we are usually called upon by the small children to act as entertainment for much of our time with them. I usually end up with a child on my shoulders and two others at my feet claiming it's their turn next. Thankfully three of the four are still very light... otherwise piggyback rides would be a lot more painful. Anyway, after lunch (grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, corn casserole, and fruit!) we mostly just hung out in the backyard, which Leo really enjoyed. He's not exactly used to little children getting all up in his business, but he handled himself extremely well. No babies were mauled or anything.

Saturday morning we headed up to the lake. Both Leslie's sister and parents have cottages on a lake a little north of The Fort, so we spent the day up there in true American fashion - swimming, grilling, playing cornhole, lighting things on fire... the classics, really. It was a beautiful day and great time. Instead of just giving piggyback rides I was instead in charge of tossing kids around in the lake. Apparently getting thrown around in water is fun when you're six. Go figure.

The kids pooped out around 7:00pm, so we packed up and headed out shortly after. The lake is very close to my grandparents place, so we wanted to head up there for a bit to see them and some of my other family that was traveling through the area. We had a good, quick visit with them and even got to see some week old puppies! My grandpa's dog, despite the vet's guess of infertility, managed to get pregnant and gave birth to eleven little dogs last week. We all think it's adorable, but my grandparents are less impressed... I'm pretty sure eleven puppies was about the last thing they wanted.

Speaking of dogs, Leo finished his Intermediate Dog classes last week! We had done two months of beginner classes which taught basic stuff like sit, stay, lay down and the like. Then two months of intermediate classes, where they reviewed those basics, expounded upon them (making them sit and stay while you leave for awhile, coming to you with distractions around, etc.), and then introduced different
Dog Agility obstacles. Leo absolutely
loved the agility stuff. His build and seemingly boundless energy are perfect for these sorts of activities. He liked it so much that I'm thinking I'll have to build some stuff in the backyard for him to practice on. That may give us a shot at tiring him out... maybe.

And looks like that'll about do it for this post. We were hoping to have a good
closet update for Friday, but Menards is... well, Menards... so we're waiting on a few more things to arrive before we can get started there. But soon, hopefully! And hopefully you all had a great 4th! Have a good week and we'll be back later!