13 September 2013

Painting, Plastic, and Curtains

Another week and another few things done around the house. Nothing major, just a few little projects that have good effects without impacting our budget too much.

First off, we hung a new painting over the bed. We picked it up at Lowe's for a very reasonable price and think it adds a nice touch. Leslie asked me if I thought it was too girly, to which I replied, "It's fine. This is a bedroom. We already have six pillows on the bed that we don't use for sleeping so it's clearly not a man's bedroom already." Plus I do think it looks nice, flowers or not.

We also changed out the curtains in the den. We still like the other ones, and will hopefully reuse them in the rec room or something like that, but needed something thicker for here. The glare on the computer monitors was really bad and Leslie found these curtains at Target. They match the room well (again, flowers or not) and darken the room a lot more. And no more pesky glare means a higher K/D ratio for me.

I've also wanted to do this little project for awhile. One of the bad things about having animals is that you are constantly picking up poop. This means we keep a lot of plastic bags leftover from grocery shopping to put the poop in. Where's a good place to store these bags? Well, until this, the answer was the in one of the cabinets in the laundry room. We figured that space could be used for something a little better and I worked out where to put the plastic bags instead. I made a nice little bag storage system out of 4" PVC. This hangs in the garage and keeps the bags close enough to the litter box (which is in the laundry room, just inside from the garage) and will also be conveniently located once we get a dog so we can grab a bag on the way out when we go for walks.

I took about a 24" length of the cheapest 4" PVC I could find and attached an adapter to the bottom. I also got a test cap to place on top of the assembly just to help keep sawdust and bugs and whatnot from getting in. For complete instructions, check this project out on Instructables (my first one!).

And that wraps it up for us this week. Thanks for reading and we'll be back with you Tuesday!


  1. One of these days you need to switch that flower painting out when leslie isn't looking, for a print of this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/202599_1762005807586_93570356_o.jpg

    1. As much as I'd love to, I don't think the resolution is high enough to make a print that big. But let me know as soon as you invent a cop show quality photo enhancer.

  2. You could also use an empty (even decorative) Kleenex box for the bags. Just sayin'. ;)

    1. Yes, but that doesn't have nearly the capacity or aesthetics that my solution does.

    2. You'd be surprised at how much they hold and besides, IT'S A CONTAINER FOR PLASTIC BAGS! But good job, nonetheless! ;)
